Prof Kanchan Malik delivered talk in School of Mass Communication on World Radio Day


On occasion of World Radio Day, Prof. Kanchan Malik from the University of Hyderabad and co-author of the book ‘Other voices: The struggle for community radio in India’ delivered a talk in the School of Mass Communication, KIIT Deemed to be University on 13th February, 2020.

In an engaging and enlightening talk, Prof. Malik spoke about the growth of media in India, types of media and need for media in society. She spoke at length about why there is still a space for community media despite a huge media explosion in recent times.

“There are three types of radio – state-owned, corporate and community. State-owned radio is the mouthpiece of the government, commercial one is for profit, but the community radio works in your interest,” said Prof. Malik.

The theme of this year’s World Radio Day is ‘Radio and Diversity’. It brings the focus on diversity, linguistic tolerance, and plurilingualism. According to Prof. Malik, civil society felt the need for the third sector of media which is an alternative to corporate or state media, this gave birth to community media. “I see community media as the future”, added the eminent academician.

Questioning the career-centric question of students, Prof. Malik told “Media has huge opportunities for undergraduates today with options across IT and traditional media like Radio, Print and Television.

Dr. Bidu Bhusan Dash, Course Coordinator of KSMC felicitated Prof. Malik, whereas Mr. Souptik Garai, Faculty Associate welcomed her. Mr. Aniruddha Jena, Researcher from University of Hyderabad, and Assistant Professors from the school – Ms. Ruby Nanda and Dr. Anurag Sahu were present during the occasion. At the end, Prof. Malik gave a book – Binodini, a novel by Rabindranath Tagore to Ms. Soumi Banerjee as a gift for her sincerity and appreciated students for having such an engaging and intellectually stimulating session.

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