Dermatology Faculties Deliver Lead Talks in CUTICON 2022, IADVL Odisha State Annual Conference


Dr. Prof. Hemanta Kumar Kar, HOD, Department of Dermatology, KIMS delivered a lead talk on “Neuritis in leprosy: an update” in 40th CUTICON 2022 organized by IADVL Odisha branch at Chilika. The talk was based on the newer immune-pathogenesis of neural involvement in leprosy and treatment protocols for management of leprosy neuritis.

Dr. Prof. C.R Srinivas of KIMS Dermatology Department delivered a lead talk on “Leg ulcers” in the same conference. Both lead talks were highly informative and appreciated by the delegates which are a matter of pride for KIMS and KIIT Deemed University. Dr. Abirami C, final year post-graduate student bagged the prestigious ‘Dr. Manorama Devi PG academic award’. She also secured first place in the award paper presentation.

Besides, all the 2nd year post graduate students of the same department delivered their research oral presentations, which were highly appreciated by faculties of other medical colleges of Odisha. Thus, the KIMS Dermatology Team, both faculties and post graduate students brought laurels to KIMS and KIIT Deemed University in this conference.

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