Colloquium Lecture Series: Technical Talk at KIIT School of Mechanical Engineering


Dr. Mukul Gupta, Scientist–G, UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Indore delivered a virtual technical talk on “Synthesis and advanced characterization of hard metal-nitride coatings” under Colloquium Lecture Series of Academic Year 2021-22 organized by School of Mechanical Engineering on 27th May, 2022.

Dr. Gupta, who is an expert on thin film coating and pursuing collaborative research with many reputed organizations, discussed different opportunities of collaborative research in the UGC-DAE lab in Indore. He elucidated on the process of applying project proposal in UGC lab and different advanced coating deposition techniques (e.g. molecular beam epitaxy, pulsed laser ablation, HiPIMS, etc.). He also demonstrated some of his recent development in the domain of nitride thin film coating (e.g., TiN, NbN, ScN etc.). 

Professor Bharat Chandra Routara, Dean, SME appreciated Dr. Mukul Gupta for his valuable talk  and delivered a vote of thanks, while Dr. Spandan Guha, Coordinator, Colloquium Lecture Series moderated the engaging interactive session followed by the talk.

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