Role of Nurses in management of Covid-19


Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences successfully organized the first online Webinar series to commemorate the 200th Birth Anniversary of Florence Nightingale from 11th – 13th May 2020. The Participants were Nursing professionals of KINS as well as Pradyumna Bal Memorial Hospital,KIMS.

The Theme for this Webinar was “Role of Nurses in management of Covid-19”. The Topics for the Sessions were meticulously decided by Principal & Vice-Principal KINS.

There were approximately 250 virtual Participants including students of B.Sc. 3rd Year, B.Sc. 4th Year, GNM 2nd Year & GNM 3rd Year and staff of PBMH. The Webinar was inaugurated by  Prof. (Mrs) Amarita Lenka (Principal CON,KINS) on 11th May at 11:30 Am. The Introductory session on Covid-19 Pandemic was taken by Prof. (Mrs) Amarita Lenka,which was followed by a Session on Getting workplace ready for Covid-19 Clients by Assoc.Prof. Asokan. R.

The last Session was taken by Mr. Chandan Pradhan on Various roles of Nurses during Covid-19 Pandemic. Mrs.Rashmi Ranjita Pahi also supported us to conduct the Sessions.

On 12th May the Sessions were preceded by lighting of the lamp on the eve of International Nurses Day & paying homage to the Founder of Modern Nursing: Florence Nightingale.

This year’s Theme for International Nurses Day was “Nurses : A Voice to Lead-Nursing the World to Health”.

The first Session was taken by Prof. Niyati Das, Vice Principal KINS on the topic, Management of infants born to mothers with Covid-19 clients followed by Mrs. Kalyani Rath, Assoc. Prof. KINS on Maternal health care management during the outbreak of Covid-19 Pandemic.

On 13th May there were two virtual sessions. First one was taken by Asst.(Prof) Mrs.Purnima Sahoo on Breast feeding during this crisis followed by Asst.(Prof)Mrs.Soumya Sonalika on Social Stigma with Covid-19 Pandemic. Mrs. Niharibala Nayak  (Tutor, KINS) took a session on Sexual & reproductive health and Women’s rights during this Pandemic. The last session was taken by Asst.(Prof)Mrs.Trupti Rekha Swain on Supplementary & complementary therapies in prevention of Covid-19. 

On behalf of the KINS family, Vote of Thanks was proposed by Mrs. Niharibala Nayak and the Webinar came to an end.

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