International Day of Peace Celebrated at KISS


International Peace Day was observed at Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences on 21 September 2017 on the theme #PeaceFirst.

The students of KISS actively took part in the functions throughout the day. The students wrote Peace Wishes on the Peace Wish Tree. A peace Human Formation was created by the students of KISS to promote peace awareness.

In the evening, the celebration was graced by His Excellency Dr. Sabit Subasic, Ambassador of Bosnia & Herzegovina to India, Ms. Morati Kelly Molelekeng, First Secretary – Political Affairs and High Commission of the Republic of Botswana and Ms. Juliana Somba-Banda, First Secretary (Trade), High Commission of the Republic of Malawi. They took a peace pledge to protect and promote safety, respect and dignity for all.

The largest tribal institution for Education in the world and the only tribal University lead the way to observe Peace Day with fervor.

The largest tribal institution for Education in the world and the only tribal University lead the way to observe Peace Day with fervor.

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