KISS Organizes Capacity Development Workshop on SDGs


A three day Capacity Development Workshop on Sustainable Development Goals organized by Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS), Bhubaneswar, Odisha kicks off on 15th February, 2018 and concludes on 17th February, 2018 at KISS premises.

The first workshop, Capacity Development Workshop on 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in collaboration with United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC), Bonn, Germany and United Nations Volunteers (UNV), India is primarily for national and international UN Volunteers in India with the aim of gaining a perspective on SDG implementation from UN Agencies and NGOs.

The Inaugural Session was graced by many dignitaries like Dr. Ahmed Baghdady, Manager of Research and Content Development, World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) who appreciated KISS as a phenomenal model in the implementation of SDGs. Dr. Deepa Prasad, State Head – Odisha, UNFPA quoted Gandhi’s Talisman which is also the goal envisaged by SDGs. Mr. Patrick Van Weerelt, Head of Office, UNSSC Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development, Bonn advised to see 5Ps as an integrated solution and pathway to achieve the goals.

Shri B. R. Naidu, Additional Chief Secretary, Higher Education, Government of Madhya Pradesh & Vice-Chancellor, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University of Social Sciences, Mhow Madhya Pradesh delivered the keynote address. Mr. Arun Sahdeo, UN Volunteers, India proposed the Vote of Thanks following which the workshop for the UN Volunteers started.

Subsequently, KISS is also organizing a National Workshop on Building Capacity for Localizing SDGs – in collaboration with NITI Aayog on 16th and 17th February, 2018. This workshop involves participation from senior government officials from all states, planners, district level administrators, representatives from training institutions, researchers and international partners engaged with the SDG-2030 Agenda in India with the aim of understanding capacity building requirements of different states of India. Dr. Rajiv Kumar, The Vice Chairman of Niti Aayog is the Chief Guest for the National Workshop.

These workshops are adjudged as first of their kind in India as this is the first time that UNSSC Bonn will be conducting SDG training in India. This is also the first time that, NITI Aayog is conducting one of the largest and most comprehensive capacity building exercises and high-profile SDG events in the country in association with KISS.

Besides, the workshop will be enriched with knowledge and experience shared by prominent persons such as Mr. Rahul Bose (Actor, Rugby Player and Director of Films); Shri B R Naidu (Additional Chief Secretary, Government of Madhya Pradesh, Higher Education Department); Mr. Alan Gemmell (Director, British Council in India) and Prof. Anand Kumar (Retired Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University).

The three day workshop-cum-conference aims to provide an action plan for the Agenda 2030 by providing platform for Civil Society, Government and International Organizations to come together and discuss the way ahead in a tailor made localized form to address the Global Goals.


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