8th State-Level SOMI Conference on “Strengthening Midwives for Optimizing Women’s Positive Birth Experience” at KINS


A Mother’s Happiness Is Like A Beacon, Lighting Up The Future But Reflected Also On The Past In The Guise Of Fond Memories.( Honoré De Balzac )

Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences (KINS) hosted the 8th State-level Society of Midwives India (SOMI) Conference, under the aegis of SOMI, Odisha Chapter, on 11th April 2022 on the occasion of Safe Motherhood Day. About 460 delegates, including distinguished guests, faculty members, nursing students as well as nursing staff of hospitals, from seven nursing colleges across the State attended the Conference, which was held around the theme ‘Strengthening Midwives for Optimizing Women’s Positive Birth Experience’.  

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Sanghamitra Pati, Director, ICMR-RMRC, Bhubaneswar underlined the need of skilled midwives for improving maternal and child health. She thanked every nursing personnel for choosing such a noble profession. Appreciating KINS for organizing the meet, Prof. Mitali Adhikari, President, SOMI, India explained the theme and sub themes of the conference.

In her keynote address, Dr. Pravati Tripathy, President, SOMI, Odisha Chapter overviewed the role of SOMI in the field of maternal and child health. Prof. Amrita Lenka, Secretary illuminated the theme and highlighted the need of skilled  midwives for the betterment of mother and child and achieving the positive birth experience. Dr. J. R. Mohanty, Registrar, KIIT-DU and Prof. (Dr.) Niyati Das, Principal, KINS also spoke at the inaugural session.   

The scientific sessions of the conference covered topics such as ‘Respectful Maternity Care’, ‘Evidence-based Intrapartum Care and Management of Intrapartum Complications’, ‘Factors Influencing Positive Birth Experience’, and ‘Essential Newborn Care’. Mrs. Pratibha Khosla, Associate Professor, SUM Nursing College; Prof. Rafat Razia, Retd. Principal, Govt College of Nursing, Hyderabad; Dr. Dinabandhu Sahoo, Team Leader, SHRSC; and Mrs. Geeta Rani Nayak, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Pediatric Nursing, AIIMS College of Nursing conducted various scientific sessions.

Certificates were presented to the participants at the valedictory session. A souvenir was also released by the dignitaries to mark the occasion. The vote of thanks was proposed by Prof. Kalyani Rath, Vice Principal, KINS.

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