KIDS PGTs Invited as Guest Speakers for International Women’s Day 2021


“There is no limit to what a woman can’t accomplish”.

The campaign theme for International Women’s Day 2021 was ‘Choose to Challenge’. A challenging world is an alert world. And from challenge comes change. In this context, two postgraduate students of Department of Public Health Dentistry, Kalinga Institute of Dental Sciences, KIIT-DU, Dr. Suranjana J. Hazarika and Dr. Payal Dash participated as speakers at the Women’s Day event organized by Tata Steel BSL in collaboration with Gruhalaxmi Mahila Samiti, Angul, Odisha.

The event started off with sharing of individual stories of empowerment by the guests. It was an enriching experience for the KIDS PGTs to interact with the young entrepreneurs and the women from the peripheral villages apart. They made them aware of their oral health and practice of good oral hygiene along with a note on maternity and child health.

On behalf of the KIDS management, Dr. Jugajyoti Pathi, Asst. Director (Admin.) expressed his heartfelt thanks and gratitude to Smt. Itishree Kanungo, In charge-State Climate Parliament and an eminent social worker for giving this opportunity to the students.

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