KIDS organized ORACON 2020-an exclusive Oral Cancer Conference


Kalinga Institute of Dental Sciences, KIIT Deemed to be University, organized ORACON 2020-an exclusive Oral Cancer Conference on the eve of World Cancer Day 2020 under the leadership of Dr. Jugajyoti Pathi, Asst. Director (Admin.) in association with National Oral Cancer Prevention Initiative (NOCPI) on 4th February, 2020. 

Cancer name itself creates a sense of fright. Among all the cancers, Oral Cancer takes the lion’s share of nearly 40% with an annual death rate of 1.3 lakhs in India and with this much of invasion now it is considered not only as a big health issue but also as a massive social burden. 

In this current scenario aggressive work in the field of prevention and early detection can only reduce the burden of the disease and with the concept of perfecting the act in mind; KIDS has planned ORACON 2020 to align with the theme of “ Management of Potentially Malignant Oral Disorders – PMOD – Clinical Detection & Treatment”. The conference had aptly been crafted with emphasis on these issues and this made a complete coverage of various methods and outcomes all under one roof “ORACON”.

The main professional boost of the ORACON 2020 conference was its Keynote Speakers, Dr. Bhagavandas Rai & Dr. Shalu Rai – stalwarts in the field of Cancer & its early detection, who deliver speech that has always been set out as the central-theme. 

With experts in the field of prevention and early detection of oral cancer delivering what is new and reconfirming standards, scientific sessions were also organized with undergraduate & post graduate students with Poster presentation, Paper presentation, Panel discussion & Cultural programs.

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