Prof. (Dr.) Saranjit SinghTakes Over Charge as Pro-Vice Chancellor, KIIT-DU


Prof. (Dr.) Saranjit Singh, Director (Industry Engagements), KIIT-DU and Professor, KIIT School of Mechanical Engineering took over charge as the Pro-Vice Chancellor of KIIT Deemed to be University on 5th January 2022. Prof. Singh is a motivated and gifted teacher who is driven to inspire students to pursue academic and personal excellence. He has over 25 years of experience in teaching, research and academic administration, out of which he has devoted 11 thriving successful years specifically in the career augmentation, training and placement activities of KIIT-DU, a colossal academic institution.  

Prof. (Dr.) Saranjit Singh completed his Ph.D. (Production Engineering) from BIT Mesra, Ranchi, M.Tech. (Production Engineering) from IIT Varanasi (Formerly IT BHU) and B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) from Savitribai Phule Pune University. His teaching and research areas of interest are material processing technologies, metal forming of sintered, cellular, foam, polymer and metal matrix composites, competitive manufacturing strategies, cleaner manufacturing technologies, DFX methodologies, quality engineering and quality management. He has guided five Ph.D scholars and 25 Master’s Dissertations and has published / presented more than 100 research articles in international and national journals, conferences and seminars. He has published three books in the area of material processing technologies and is also a Fellow of Institution of Engineers (India).

Prof. Singh served as Dean, KIIT School of Mechanical Engineering from 2009 to 2011; and later as Dean (Training & Placements) and Director (Industry Engagements). Prior to joining KIIT, he served BIT Mesra, Ranchi as Associate Professor in Department of Production Engineering.

Congratulating Prof. Singh on his new assignment, Dr. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT & KISS hoped that his contributions will lead KIIT towards becoming one of the top universities in India and world.

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