Training Program on CPR & First-Aid organized at KIIT


Dr. Ashok Kumar Badamali, Assistant Professor of Cardiac Anaesthesia, KIMS, conducted a Training Program on CPR(Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) at Campus-3 on 27th December, 2019. He imparted  the basic Life Support Course to the trainees. The main  focus of his talk was what to do as a first responder, especially, when one collapses or fells unconscious.

Dr. Badamali informed that in most of  such instances, the heart of a person ceases to function. This happens usually due to lightning, choking and  drowning etc. He made it clear that  6 minutes after  a person collapses, the heart stops. In this case, as a first responder, we have to ensure scene safety, then check the response, followed by activating EMS and get an AED. Then we have to check pulse and lastly begin cycles of chest compression in 30:2 ratio. In brief, the steps to extend First-Aid to a victim are in the order of safety, response, pulse, call for help and start CPR.

Moreover, the chest should be compressed by  2 inches with a frequency of 100 per minute. He also emphasized how to use AED. Actually, when a heart stops  and pulse is not detected, then AED can be used. Dr. Badamali supplemented his training with a Practical Demo session and made the trainees experiment and practice through the Demo.  

Apart from CPR, Dr. Badamali discussed about the procedures to  resuscitate the victim . through First Aid service,  especially when one collapses following stroke. He also discussed about the utility of First-Aid to alleviate diseases like Diarrhea, Fever, and Snake bite etc.

The Training Program was very insightful, useful and  informative one. The Training Program was held under the guidance of Sri Sibananda Mishra, Director, HR and Sri Abhaya Mohanty, Asst. Personnel Officer, HR, KIIT DU. It was coordinated by Dr. Chinmay Kumar Das, Director (Admn.) O/o The Founder. As many as 25 junior staff members participated in this Training Program which was one of the series conducted by the HRD Committee, KIIT DU.

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