Mega Naturopathy Camp conducted successfully at KIIT


On the eve of celebration of Mega Naturopathy Camp on 6th March, 2020, conducted by the Ministry of Ayush, National Institute of Naturopathy, Pune and KIIT Deemed to be University, a mass yoga session was held under the  supervision of Dr. Sanjay Kumar Panda and Mr. Sashikanta Khuntia.

The program was followed by a WALKATHON flagged off by Prof. Hrushikesha Mohanty, Vice Chancellor and staff members of KIIT DU  while other active participants walked carrying the placards on the ethics of Mahatma Gandhi. Staff members Dr. Kajal Parashar, Dr. Dibyaranjan Rout and Dr. Dillip Bera also participated in the mega gathering along with staff and student members of School of Yoga. 

The Mega  Naturopathy Camp was inaugurated by Dr. Satyanath, Senior Medical Office, National Institute of Naturopathy;  Prof. Sasmita Samanta, Pro- Vice Chancellor, KIIT DU and many other renowned intellectuals of National repute. The program started with welcome address by Mr. Bijoy Kumar Prusti, State Representative, NIN with a brief introduction of the guests. Dr. Satyanath threw light on advantages of living with Nature.

Prof. Sasmita Samanta in her presidential address gave a very good message to the august gathering highlighting various aspects of Naturopathy and how all health sciences can be merged to have a positive impact on a healthy tomorrow. The Inauguration Session  ended up with vote of thanks proposed by Dr. B.B. Kar, Dean, School of Yoga.

Among the invited speakers, Dr. Millind Parashar and  Dr. Bansidhar Mulia delivered very interesting parameters of Naturopathy and lifestyle management. The session was conducted successfully by  the able Chairperson Dr. Amarita Lenka, Principal, KINS. In the interactive session Dr. Bhanubrata Pani and Dr. Maheswar Sangoili gave the details of Life style diseases and their management by Nature Therapy.

In the valediction session, Prof. Hrushikesha Mohanty, Vice Chancellor  and  Prof. Jnyana Ranjan Mohanty, Registrar put their valuable suggestions to adopt Naturopathy as the basics of Life.  The winner of Yoga Competition got awarded by them. Students of KIIT DU, KISS  and many others performed the show segments perfectly.  Vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Sanjay Kumar Panda. Many academicians including Dr. Tapan Kumar Bastia, Dr. Rojalin Sahu, Dr. Saroj Kumar Barik were present to witness the show.

Among Staff, faculty and student members, Mr. Ajaya Kumar Sahoo, Ms Rituparna Kar, Ms. Kukumina Kar, Ms. Kriti Raj, Mr. Bibhudatta Sahoo, Ms. Aparajita Khuntia, Ms. Rakha Singh, Ms. Anamika Kumari, Ms. Vidyashree, Ms. Nikita, Ms. Jyoti, Mr. Pradyumna Behera, Mr. Chandan Mohapatra and Mr. Pratuysh Roy completed their assigned work successfully.

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