KIMS Radiology Residents Make Clean Sweep at 48th Indian Radiological Conference, State Branch


The Residents of the Department of Radio Diagnosis, KIMS have made a clean sweep in all the categories at the 48th Indian Radiological Conference, State Branch held in Bhubaneswar on 29th May 2022. Dr. Y. Rajesh (IInd Year) won the 1st Prize for paper presentation, 1st Prize in quiz competition and 2nd Prize in poster presentation. Dr. D. Sindhu Reddy (IInd Year) won 2nd Prize in quiz competition, while Dr. Ajeet Madhesia (IInd Year) won 3rd Prize in quiz competition and Dr. Sumedha Sirohi (Ist Year) won 2nd Prize in poster presentation. They achieved this feat overcoming stiff challenges from the Residents of other premier institutions of the State, including AIIMS, SCB Medical College, MKCG Medical College, VSS Medical College; HighTech Medical College, and IMS & SUM Medical College. The Head of the Department of Radio Diagnosis, KIMS and all the faculty members congratulated the residents for their splendid achievement.

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