KIMS Anaesthesiology Faculty, Residents join State Meet


Faculties and residents of Anaesthesiology Department of Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) participated at the 49th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists (Odisha State Branch), which was held at Swami Vivekanand National Institute of Rehabilitation Training and Research (SVNIRTAR), Olatpur, Cuttack on September 10 and 11.

Faculties and Residents from the Department of Anaesthesiology from various medical colleges and hospitals of Odisha took part in the conference. More than 200 delegates from the State and guest speakers from across the nation participated in the event.

Dr. Vaddamanu Mounika, PG third year (Anaesthesia) of KIMS was awarded first prize in Free Paper category and Dr. Katypally Naveena, PG third year (Anaesthesia) of KIMS was awarded second prize in PG Symposium category.

In addition, Dr G. C. Satapathy, Professor and HOD (Anaesthesiology) KIMS, chaired a session on Dr. S. Satapathy Memorial Paper Competition. Dr. Amit Pradhan, Professor, Anaesthesiology KIMS chaired a CME session on Pain and Palliative Care.

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