KIIT Faculty Invited as Keynote Speaker & Panel Judge to an International Conference


Dr. Saurabh Bilgaiyan, Assistant Professor, School of Computer Engineering, KIIT Deemed to be University was invited as a Keynote Speaker and Panel Judge by the International Society of Teachers, Administrators and Researchers, Inc. (ISTAR), Thailand, for the International Educators’ Conclave on Scientific Research and Innovation Studies (cum Demonstration Teaching) on 26th February 2022. The theme of the conference was Scientific Research and Innovation Studies in a Changing Landscape: New Paradigms, Pathways and Possibilities. It was held on the Zoom Platform.

Dr. Bilgaiyan delivered his talk on Future Research Directions in Software Engineering. He discussed the current research trends in Software Engineering and placed a detailed description of the various current popular research problems, i.e. Software cost estimation, Testing, fault prediction, etc. He underscored the future possibilities of research in Software Engineering and presented a few problem statements. He was also the session chair (panel judge) for the conference paper presentations. 

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