KIDS Student awarded at National Conference


Dr. Doyel Roy, a Post Graduate student from the Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology, KIDS, bagged the first prize for her scientific paper presentation on the topic “Knowledge Attitude and Awareness of Oral Potentially Malignant Disorder among Health Care Professionals in Bhubaneswar City: A Cross Sectional Study”, at 31st National Conference of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology, held recently at Amritsar, Punjab. 

It was a questionnaire study to know how much the Health Professionals are aware of Oral Potentially Malignant Disorder(OPMD) and how they can propagate the awareness to the masses, particularly about persons affected with OPMD can be detected early in order to save their lives.

KIDS officials, Dr. Jugajyoti Pathi, Asst. Director, Administration and Dr. Balaji Manohar, Principal, KIDS, have congratulated Dr. Doyel Roy for such outstanding achievement and  conveyed  best wishes for her future endeavors.

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