IEEE KIIT Student Branch (STB15681) Receives “Best Student Chapter” 2023
IEEE Bhubaneswar Subsection Honours IEEE KIIT Student Branch Chapter as “Best Student Chapter” of the Subsection for the activities during the year 2023. IEEE KIIT Students Branch comprises of IEEE Industry Applications Society Student Branch Chapter in the Kolkata Section (MEMIA034), IEEE Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology IEEE Antenna Propagation Society Student Branch Chapter in the Kolkata Section (AP-03 (SBC15681); IEEE Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology IEEE Consumer Technology Society Student Branch Chapter in the Kolkata Section (MEMCT008); IEEE Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Student Branch Chapter in the Kolkata Section; IEEE Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Student Branch Chapter in the Kolkata Section(IE13); and IEEE Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology IEEE Power and Energy Society Student Branch Chapter in the Kolkata Section(PE31).

Prof. (Dr) Chinmoy Kumar Panigrahi, Chair, IEEE PES Society; Dr Ranjeeta Patel, Chair, IEEE IAS Society; and Dr Alivarani Mohapatra, Secretary, IEEE IES Society received the award from Prof. S. R. Samantaray, Chair, IEEE Bhubaneswar Subsection (IIT Bhubaneswar) in presence of Dr H.K.Rath, Vice Chair ((ITR DRDO Chandipur); Prof A.K.Tripathy Past Chair, IEEE Bhubaneswar Subsection (Former DG, CPRI Bangalore;) and other EC Members during Annual General Meeting on 13th January, 2024,