A rewarding experience in a child with FTT(failure to thrive) at KIMS


Two years ago, a child was admitted to the Paediatric ward with complaints of not gaining weight and frequent passage of stool. Our initial diagnosis was a case of sepsis with malabsorption syndrome. After a prolonged stay, the child was discharged with a diagnosis of FTT with sepsis. The baby started gaining weight and went home happily. But their problem never came to an end with this episode.

Within a span of six months, the baby got multiple admissions including PICU. In PICU the baby not only needed higher antibiotics but an albumin infusion for survival. At one point of time, the team of Doctors treating the patient at KIMS lost their confidence, but never lost hope. The meticulous management in hospital as well as constant supervision for home care shows the light of the day.

Today in the follow up OPD, the child is in a happy mood with his mother. This is an enriching experience to share.

(Team– Dr. N Mohanty, Dr. S. Biswal, Dr. NK Mohakud, Dr. Arun Dash, PICU team and Post graduates)

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