KIIT School of Computer Engineering Organizes 5th International Conference on Emerging Systems and Intelligent Computing (ESIC-2025)


The 5th International Conference on Emerging Systems and Intelligent Computing (ESIC-2025) took place from 8th – 9th February 2025, at the School of Computer Engineering, KIIT-DU. The conference was technically sponsored by IEEE Bhubaneswar Section, Consumer Technology Society (CTSoc) Chapter and Computer and Communication Joint Chapter.

The keynotes were presented by Prof. Saroj Kumar Meher of Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore Centre, India and Prof. Gyoo-Soo Chae of Baekseok University South Korea. More than 160 papers were presented over two days. The proceedings will be published by IEEE and will be indexed in Scopus. ESIC-2025 has attracted attendees from all over the globe with a major presence from India. Extended papers from the conference will be invited to a few Special Issues of reputed journals.

Inauguration ceremony was conducted in the School of Computer Engineering. Shri Hare Krishna Ratha, former Director at Integrated Test Range, Defense R&D Organization (DRDO), India was the chief guest of the inaugural event. Mr. Ratha identifies the significance of current technologies in the growth of society, and also expresses his happiness to share that ESIC-2025 is the first IEEE conference organized under the banner of the newly formed IEEE Bhubaneswar section. Dr. Gyoo-Soo Chae of Baekseok University, South Korea and Dr. Saroj Kumar Meher, ISI Bangalore were the guests of honor of the inaugural event and shared their thoughts on different topics.

Prof.  Jnyana Ranjan Mohanty, Registrar, KIIT, addressed the delegates and presented his views on research and innovation. Prof Biswajit Sahoo, Director General, KIIT School of Computer Engineering, welcomed the guests and delegates and expressed his gratitude to KIIT Management for smooth functioning of the events. Dr. Niranjan K. Ray, Program Chair and Dr. Pradeep K. Mallick gave their views on technical events. Dr. Pinaki S. Chatterjee, Organizing Chair on behalf of the organizing committee, expressed gratitude to Prof. Achutya Samanta, Founder, KIIT, KIMS and KISS for his constant encouragement. The Organizing Team thanked Prof. (Dr.) Saranjit Singh, Vice-Chancellor, KIIT-DU and Prof. Jnyana Ranjan Mohanty, Registrar for their guidance and support.

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