Cultural Event In Association With ASCE And ICE Student Chapters


NSS Builders, KIIT School of Civil Engineering and KSCE in association with ASCE and ICEStudents Chapters hosted a Cultural Event on the theme of India’s 77th Year of Independence:“Meri Mati, Mera Desh”on 2nd September, 2023. The inaugural ceremony was a momentousevent that commenced with the dignitaries’ graceful arrival and lighting of the ceremonial lamp,symbolizing the pursuit of knowledge. The audience stood for the national anthem, followed bythe presentation of bouquets as a warm welcome gesture. Dr. Sanjib Moulick, Dean School ofCivil Engineering, delivered a warm and inclusive welcome address, setting the stage for thedistinguished speakers. The welcome address was followed by a brief oration by Dr. Benu GopalMohapatra, Director Consultancy Services, KIIT DU and Dr. Shyam Sundar Behura, DeputyDirector, Student Services, KIIT DU. Dr. Kajal Parasar, Deputy Director, CEC, and PO, KIITNSS Bureau, highlighted the importance of NSS, that was further continued with a concise speechby Dr. Jnyana Ranjan Mohanty, Registrar, KIIT DU. Dr.Satya Ranjan Samal, FIC-NSS,concluded the event with a heartfelt word of thanks.

The cultural event began with an inspiring patriotic speech by Dr. Manas Chandan Mishra,celebrating the rich cultural heritage that binds our nation together. The stage then came alivewith the melodious tunes of an orchestra performed by our talented 3rd and 4th-year students,setting the tone for an enchanting afternoon. The 3rd-year students showcased their cultural dance,while the 4th-year students mesmerized the audience with the grace of Maithili dance. Theafternoon continued to dazzle with energetic dances and soulful music performed by the 2nd, 3rd,and 4th-year students, each act radiating the diversity of our culture. The runway was ablaze withconfidence as the 4th-year students showcased their ethnic fashion in a ramp walk, exudingelegance and style. Finally, the event culminated with the entire auditorium joining in unity tosing KIIT anthem, a poignant reminder of our shared values and aspirations. The audience wasinclusive of students and faculties of KIIT School of Civil Engineering, who were thoroughlyinvested during the entire proceeding of the event.

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