KIMS Pediatric Faculties Bring Laurels in National IAP Quiz


Two faculty members of the Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) Paediatrics Department have won second position in the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) National Inter Zonal Neonatology Quiz (online), bringing laurels for the institution and KIIT-DU.

For the first time IAP has started the National Inter Zonal Neonatology Quiz (online) and it was held on the Independence Day.  Out of total five zones, East Zone was represented by Dr Manaswinee Sahoo (DM, Neonatology) and Dr Subhranshu Sekhar Dhal  (DM, Pediatric Critical Care), both Assistant Professors in Department of Pediatrics, KIMS, Bhubaneswar, and they stood second in the prestigious event.

HOD Paediatrics Prof (Dr) Manas Ranjan Behera congratulated the team and expressed his satisfaction over the success of his fellow faculty members in the national-level quiz and bringing credits to the Department. He also thanked Founder Prof. Achyuta Samanta for providing the infrastructure and ambience to work and encouragement to participate in the national-level events.

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