KINS faculties shine as resource persons at national seminar


Faculties of Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences (KINS) attended a national seminar on “Recent innovations in public health research: Opportunities and challenges’’ organised by Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Medical Sciences, Rourkela  on March 11. KINS faculties Soumya Sonalika, Assistant Professor Department of Community Health Nursing and Prof. Asokan R, HOD of Medical Surgical Nursing, joined the session as resource persons.

Soumya Sonalika in her talk discussed about sub-theme-“Obesity and its management’’. Now-a-days obesity acts as a link to many chronic, untreatable and fatal ailments. She highlighted the points regarding incidence and prevalence, signs, symptoms, complications and factors contributing to obesity, patho-physiology, screening obese persons and focussed on preventive measures and its management, which is very essential as it affects people of all ages in all parts of our country and world and one of a leading causes behind cardiovascular disorders.

In his talk Prof. Asokan R spoke about sub-theme ‘Epidemiology’. It is a corner stone of public health and shapes policy, decisions and evidenced-based practice by identifying risk factors for disease and targets for preventive health care.

More than 5oo participants attended from various nursing colleges and hospitals of Odisha. The programme culminated with applauses and appreciation from the organizers and participants.

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