KIIT School of Public Health Organizes State Expert Consultation Workshop


School of Public Health (KSPH), KIIT Deemed to be University organized a one day State Expert Consultation workshop on 14th November 2022. The workshop was intended to have valuable insights and expert guidance on the Pharmacists’ competency assessment tool to be used for a Project entitled “Competency Assessment of in-service Pharmacists in Primary Health Care setting in Odisha”. The workshop was undertaken by KSPH in collaboration with “Health Systems Transformation Platform (HSTP), New Delhi”, funded by Access Health International Inc.

The Welcome note and Opening remarks were given by Prof. (Dr.)Sudhir Kumar Satpathy, Director, KIIT School of Public Health. Ms. Purnima Bhoi, Assistant Professor, KSPH and Principal Investigator of the project gave a brief overview of the project followed by a discussion on the competency framework for pharmacists for the said project by Mr. Sanjeev Kumar, Research Specialist, HSTP.

Dr. P.C. Mishra, Addl. Director, Human Resources for Health and SREC and Dr. Shubhranshu Pradhan, Jt. Director, HRH from Directorate of Health Services, Government of Odisha graced the occasion and gave their valuable feedback on the State’s requirement for such studies.

The Advisory Committee Members of this project including Dr. Manjari Sandeep Gharat -Vice President, International Pharmaceutical Federation Chairperson, Community Pharmacy Division, The Indian Pharmaceutical Association; Dr. Guru Prasad Mohanta, Expert Consultant, Former Professor and Head (Department of Pharmacy), Annamalai University; and Mr. Nilakantha Bhoi, Senior Officer, Procurement & Supply Chain Management, United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), New Delhi, gave their valuable inputs on the tool for further course of action as per the State’s need.

Prof.(Dr.) Sruti Ranjan Mishra Chairman, Odisha Pharmacy Intellectual Forum (OPIF) & President – Indian Pharmaceutical Association, Odisha State Branch; Dr. Mihir Kumar Kara, National Vice-President (Eastern Zone) Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India; Mr. Himanshu Sekhar Pradhan, Associate professor, KSPH; and Dr. Saroj Choudhary, Assistant Professor, SCB Medical College, Department of Pharmacy, attended the workshop and gave their feedback on the tools and competency framework.

It was also attended by a few MHA students from KSPH. The workshop ended with a vote of thanks from Ms. Purnima Bhoi, Assistant Professor, KIIT School of Public Health.

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