CME-cum-Workshop Biochemistry-2022 Innovations, IPR policy and patents: Making ideas to work in better ways


In a unique event of CME-cum-Workshop on IPR Policy and Patent organised by the Department of Biochemistry, KIMS, though took place on October 21, the process of the workshop rolled a week before inviting ideas from 1st year MBBS students and post-graduate teachers (PGTs) for “Idea Bazaar’’.

On 21st, a pre-session questionnaire was shared via Google forms to all the registered participants to make them prepared for the academic session. The ideas invited from the student innovators were judged in the morning session through e-posters by Prof (Dr) Viyatprajna Acharya and Dr. Ashok K Badamali, IPR Cell Head andSenior Consultant, Cardiac Anaesthesia.

Post-lunch, the plenary sessions began with invocation of the divine and lamp-lighting by Principal KIMS Brig. Prof. A P. Mohanty andMedical Superintendent Prof (Dr.) R. C. Das.

Senior Professor BiochemistryKIMS Prof (Dr) Srikrushna Mahapatra andPrincipal Prof. A P. Mohantyaddressed the gathering conveying the purpose of conducting such a session and the academic goals of KIIT Deemed to be University through patents.

Assistant Prof CS & IT, Marwadi University, Gujrat Biswaranjan Acharya opened the session enlightening the gathering on IPR, copyright and patents which gave some insight to the topic. Senior Regional Manager and Head (IPFC&TISC) and Associate Editor (Invention Intelligence) National Research Development Corporation (NRDC)Dr. Bijay Kumar Sahu spoke about the importance of innovations and patents and how NRDC can help the innovators in the process.

Consultant Biochemist, Key expert, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics Dr. SubhosmitoChakrovarty spoke on the sojourn of innovation in the IVD industry and the future trend of auto-verification through AI. Last but not the least, Dr. Ashok Badamali gave a practical deliberation of how to proceed in the process of patenting step by step and made the session very lively and interactive.

The sessions were chaired by Prof (Dr) Srikrushna Mahapatra, Chairman Academic KIMS Prof (Dr) Yogesh Chawla, HepatologistDr. Ashok Choudhury and Director, Central Lab, KIMS Dr. AmbarishPadhee.

Swaroopa Roy and Vedaant Parekh of 1st year MBBS bagged 1st and 2nd prize for their innovative ideas shared in “Idea Bazaar’’.

The hybrid seminar involved around 400 online and offline participants and lastly the post-session questionnaire and feedback form was shared through another Google link. The session was concluded by vote of thanks from the organizing secretary, Prof (Dr) Viyatprajna Acharya.

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