KSPH Launches Collaborative Online International Learning Project


The KIIT School of Public Health (KSPH), in partnership with the Health & Education Department, Coventry University, UK, launched a ‘Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)’ Project on 21st September 2022. “This initiative would be highly beneficial for students on both sides to cross-learn from each other and develop understanding of health systems in both countries”, said Prof. (Dr.) Sudhir Kumar Satpathy, Director, KSPH at the introductory meeting conducted in online mode.

It was also attended by Dr. Hannah Degge and Dr. Rebecca Canning from Coventry University, UK, who introduced the project to the participants. The project will run from 21st September to 13th October 2022. A brief orientation on the open online ‘Aula’ platform was demonstrated to the students highlighting how to access the page for exchanging the questions, answers and assignments throughout this project period.

KSPH faculty members, staff and MPH students attended the programme. Prof. Manas Ranjan Behera, Associate Professor proposed the vote of thanks. Dr. Hannah Degge and Prof. Manas Ranjan Behera are coordinating the project. 

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