KSPH Organizes Hands-on Workshop on Data Analysis & Manuscript Writing


An innovative output-oriented hands-on Data Analysis & Manuscript Writing Workshop was organized by KIIT School of Public Health (KSPH) from 10th to 13th August 2022. It was an intensive and exclusive tobacco-related research publication workshop that resulted in the preparation of five manuscripts for publication.

The workshop was inaugurated by Prof. Dr. S. K. Satpathy, Director, KSPH, who inspired the participants and highlighted the importance of such result-oriented workshops. He expressed his full support for similar workshops involving national and international data in the future. Dr. Jugal Kishore, Director-Professor & Head, Dept. of Community Medicine, VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi joined the workshop as a resource person. He highlighted the importance of scientific publication and the process of manuscript writing. 

Dr. Pratap Kumar Jena, Associate Professor, KSPH; Dr. Alpana Mishra, Associate Professor, Dept. of Community Medicine, KIMS; and Dr. Kavitha AK, Project Scientist C, RMRC-ICMR, Bhubaneswar also acted as resource persons. The participants were assisted by Dr. Nancy Satpathy, Dr. Parimala Mohanty, PhD Scholars & Alumni KSPH and Dr. Gayatri Nayak, Consultant, IIPH, Bhubaneswar & KSPH Alumni. 

The workshop was attended by seven participants and everyone was allocated one resource person each for data analysis and manuscript writing. It generated important publication ideas, which are likely to influence the tobacco control policy environment in India.

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