KIIT School of Applied Sciences ISCA Bhubaneswar Chapter Organize Outreach Program for College Students


The School of Applied Sciences (SAS), KIIT Deemed to be University in association with Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), Bhubaneswar Chapter, organized an outreach programme for BSc. 3rd year students of P N College, Khurda & Sailabala Women’s College, Cuttack in the campus on 13th April 2022. Around 170 students along with their teachers visited the UG/PG/Research labs of the school, Central Research Facility (CRF) and the Central Library of the university. The visit was followed by an interactive session with the students and the accompanying faculty members.

During this interactive session, Dr. Kajal Parashar, Convener of ISCA emphasized mutual collaboration and deeper engagement with the colleges for pursuit of science. Prof. Prasanta Rath, Dean (SAS) gave an overview of the School highlighting its strengths and achievements.  Prof. P. K. Das shared his personal experience and emphasized how a university like KIIT has developed world-class infrastructure that is as good as anywhere else in the world.

Dr. Dibyaranjan Rout, Head, PG program highlighted the uniqueness of the MSc program offered by the School and encouraged the students to apply. Dr. Gopal  K. Pradhan, Prof. P. K. Das, Dr. S. Praharaj and Dr. D. Rout addressed various questions raised by the students about the program.

The faculty members from the participating colleges shared their experience about the program and expressed, they were overwhelmed to see the research facilities, infrastructure and beauty of the campus.

The interactive session was coordinated and managed by Dr. Swetapadma Praharaj. The visits to different locations were accompanied, coordinated and facilitated by Dr. Jasaswini Tripathy, Dr. Jatin Sinha, Dr. Alok Panda, Dr. Rakesh M. Das,  Dr. Sarbari Acharya. Dr. A. K. Panda (Math), Dr. Bijan K. Patel, Dr. B. B. Mishra, Dr. S. Praharaj, Dr. Mrutyunjaya Das, Dr. Gopal K. Pradhan, Dr. Sohini Sarkar, Dr. Jagnyaseni Tripathy, Dr. Pratap Deheri & Dr. Jasashri Roy. The overall program was coordinated by Dr.  Jatin Sinha, Dr. Gopal K. Pradhan, Dr. Dibyaranjan Rout, Dr. Kajal Parashar, Dr. Tapan Bastia, Dr. Satya Ranjan Mishra with active support from Prof. Prasanta Rath, Dean SAS.

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