34th Conference of Anatomical Society of India, Odisha State Chapter Held at KIMS


The 34th Conference of Anatomical Society of India, Odisha State Chapter was organized by the Department of Anatomy, Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Bhubaneswar on 26th & 27th February 2022. The topic of the CME-cum-Conference was ‘Present Scenario of Whole-Body Donation & Embalming Center in Odisha’. The meet was inaugurated by Prof. C.B.K. Mohanty, Pro Vice-Chancellor, KIMS in the presence of Mr. Sudhir Pujari, Utsarga, Sambalpur; Prof. Ambika Prasad Mohanty, Principal, KIMS & Chairman, Reception Committee; Prof. S. N. Shamal, HOD Anatomy, KIMS & Chairman, Organizing Committee and other dignitaries.

Prof. B. K. Dutta, CME Coordinator, in his keynote address, explained the facts and reality of whole body donations, Anatomy Act and present status of embalming center in SCB Medical College, Cuttack. The session was presided by Prof. Madhusmita Panda, President, ASI, Odisha State Chapter. Prof. S. N. Shamal chaired the Academic Session.

About 20 members and delegates were physically present on the occasion along with 25 delegates via online mode from various institutes of Odisha and abroad.  Prof. Srijit Das, Clinical Anatomy, Sultan Quaboos University, Oman connected online as the Guest of Honor.

Mr. Sudhir Pujari expressed his views related to the practical difficulties faced during execution of body donation after death of the donor. Mr. Pujari is associated with blood, whole body donation and organ donation for about the last two decades. Prof. Srijit Das shared his views on the embalming centre in AIIMS, New Delhi and other medical institutes of India and abroad. Prof. P. K. Chinara, Fmr. Dean, SCB Medical College, Cuttack & HOD, Anatomy lamented the lack of proper and clear-cut guidelines for unclaimed dead bodies to be transported and utilized for medical education by the administration affecting the smooth utilization of resources. In his concluding remarks at the first day session, Prof. S. N. Shamal explained the functioning of embalming centres across various states in India. The vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Shweta Solan, Associate Professor-Anatomy, KIMS.

The inaugural session of the second day of the conference was presided by Prof. Madhusmita Panda, President ASI Odisha Chapter. Maj. Gen. Prof. P. K. Pattnaik, D.G., KIMS; Prof. Lalatendu Swain, Jagannath MC, Puri & Hon. Secretary, ASI; Prof. P. K. Chinara, Chairman, Scientific Committee; Prof. S. N. Shamal; and Prof. V. P. Acharya graced the occasion.

The scientific session of the conference, chaired by Prof. P. K. Chinara and Prof. Minati Patrra, followed the General Body Meeting. As many as 15 scientific papers were presented online and offline by delegates from various medical colleges of Odisha. Dr. Sweta Solan, Asso. Professor proposed the vote of thanks.

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