WBOACON-2021: KIMS Doctor Invited as Guest Faculty


Dr. Tanmoy Mohanty, Professor and HOD, Dept. of Orthopaedic, KIMS was invited as Guest Faculty at the Annual Conference of West Bengal Orthopaedic Association held from 3rd to 5th December 2021 in Kolkata. He also presented a paper entitled “Trans Fracture Abduction Osteotomy in Treatment of Old Femoral Neck Fractures”. Dr. K. Srikant, Assistant Professor in Orthopaedics,  KIMS presented a paper on “Arthrodesis of Knee Using Ilizarov after Failed Mega Prosthesis in Knee”, while Dr. Aditya Prasad Panda, Assistant Professor, KIMS presented a paper on “Kambin Block in Lumbar Disc Herniation – A Retrospective Study” in online mode. They were awarded with certificates and memento in appreciation.

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