Pain Specialist from KIMS Invited as Faculty to ‘5th India Pain Update’


Dr. Rajendra Sahoo, Pain & Palliative Care Consultant at KIMS was invited as a Faculty at the “5th India Pain Update” organized by Prof. G.P. Dureja of Delhi Pain Management Centre at Delhi. Dr. Sahoo was leading the workshop on “Ultrasound of Shoulder and Knee Joints”. It was a highly focused discussion of relevant anatomy, history, clinical examination and finally Ultrasound scanning on volunteers. The participating doctors learned the basic Ultrasound scanning techniques and it was followed by scanning some pathology of the shoulder joint with live demonstration of procedures in real patients in the operating room. 

In addition, Dr. Sahoo was also part of a panel discussion on “Tendinopathy: Importance of history and latest treatment options.” Delegates appreciated Dr. Sahoo’s clinical Ultrasound demonstration and clinical pearls towards patient care. The 5th edition of the conference was a huge success with participants from all around the country. Dr. Sahoo is thankful to the KIMS Hospital management and colleagues for the support provided to him.

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