IASO National Conference: KIMS Faculty Invited to Panel Discussion on Breast Oncoplasty


Indian Association of Surgical Oncology (IASO) is the apex professional body of Surgical Oncologists in India. Its National Conference is a much awaited and prestigious event. This year it was held on 23rd and 24th of October 2021. As part of the scientific program, different organ-based programs were held.

Breast Cancer is the most common cancer among females in India. Breast Conservative Treatment (Breast Conservative Surgery and mandatory Adjuvant Radiotherapy with or without Chemotherapy, Targeted therapy, Hormonal therapy) enables curative surgery, while enabling the patient to retain her breast.

Oncoplastic Breast surgery goes a step further and enables a lady to have her operated breast restored to near normal volume and contour by means of several specialized techniques and tissue flaps, while ensuring optimal resection of the cancerous tissue. It is a new and specialized branch of Breast Cancer Management.

Dr. Sabyasachi Parida, Senior Consultant, Surgical Oncology, KIMS is one of the few Surgical Oncologists in Odisha who has received specialized professional training in Breast Oncoplasty from National and International Experts. Notable among the training completed by him is The Advanced Course on Breast Oncoplasty conducted by The European Society of Surgical Oncology.

He has been performing Oncoplastic breast surgery since 2015 when he and his colleague Dr. Saroj Ranjan Sahoo performed for the first time in Odisha, reconstruction of a nipple and areola defect (central part of breast), by means of a Lateral Dermoglandular Flap (Grisotti flap) in a young Breast Cancer patient. The surgery resulted in both a happy patient and a happy surgeon. Encouraged by the initial case, Dr. Sabyasachi Parida pursued further learning opportunities from National and International professional organizations to gain more understanding and experience.

As a result, he has gained vital exposure on advanced Oncoplastic techniques including mammoplasty and breast implants. Such specialized training has enabled him to perform a wide range of Oncoplastic procedures over the years,  some of which are unique even on a worldwide scale, like, reconstruction of upper inner quadrant breast defects by Medial intercostal artery perforator flap, inferior breast defect by Lateral thoracic flap, supplementation of inferior breast pole volume by ‘hammock flap’ and total autologous breast reconstruction with a combined Thoracodorsal Fasciocutaneous flap Latissimus Dorsi muscle flap.

In recognition of some of his work on Breast Oncoplasty and as one of a new breed of surgeons who holds promise for the development of Oncoplastic Breast Cancer surgery in India, Dr. Parida was invited to the panel discussion on Breast Oncoplasty on 23rd October, 2021. It was ably moderated by Dr. Nita Nair, Professor of Breast Surgical Oncology at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.

During the panel discussion it was observed that Breast conservation rates are high and steadily rising in metropolitan cities of our Country. Dr. Parida observed that more than 70 percent of patients with breast cancer in Odisha are eligible for Breast Conservation Therapy. However, only about 30 percent of them opt for it. This is despite being explained in detail about the applicability and availability of a wide range of treatment options for breast cancer surgery, neoadjuvant and adjuvant treatment, advanced imaging options like MRI Breast, USG guided localization and excision, advanced Oncoplastic Breast Surgery, etc.

This is partly because of misinformation, patients and attendant anxiety and suboptimal awareness among physicians about advanced treatment options for breast cancer management. Dr. Ashok, B.C, Senior Plastic Surgeon from Manipal Hospital, Bangalore, who specializes in Breast Oncoplasty and lymphoedema management, opined that visual examples of successful surgeries can help patients choose better along with other dedicated measures. Other members on the panel were from New Delhi, Gurugram, Jamshedpur and Chennai. Management of three interesting breast cancer cases (with special emphasis on Oncoplasty) was discussed. A dedicated panel discussion on Breast Oncoplasty in a National Conference of Surgical Oncologists emphasizes the new found understanding and thrust on increasing awareness among Surgical Oncologists about new techniques in Breast Conservation Surgery and Oncoplasty. Careful adoption and application of these techniques in suitable cases can ensure patient satisfaction and improvements in quality of life, without compromising on oncological goals.

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