KIIT International MUN Organizes First National Workshop “Peek ‘a’ MUN”


The Secretariat of KIIT International Model United Nations (MUN) successfully conducted the first National Workshop “Peek ‘a’ Mun” for KIIT-e-MUN 2021 on 23rd October. KIIT International MUN is one of the largest simulations of the United Nations in the world, organized annually by KSAC, KIIT Deemed to be University. In this era of globalization, being aware of the economic, cultural, social, and environmental crises that affect all sections and species of the world is more crucial than ever. Besides boosting the confidence and enhancing the perception of the delegates regarding the burning issues, KIIT International MUN also serves as a melting point for future diplomats and leaders.

The workshop started on a high note with over 500 potential delegates and a brief introduction of the KIIT-MUN. The participants were acquainted with the legacy of KIIT-MUN. The Director-General of the conference Nishita Sareen started the workshop with a warm introduction. It was led further by their academics team where they explained about the different committees and their short and long-term objectives.

Then the workshop was geared up with two interactive quiz sessions complemented by two video representations and a small debate among the participants on ‘crypto-currency’. The delegates were given a demonstration on how to participate in MUNs. Finally, the workshop concluded with a Q/A session.

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