KIIT Faculty Delivers Talk on “Hydrogen Storage Technique: A New Perspective”


Dr. Debjyoti Sahu, Asst. Professor, KIIT School of Mechanical Engineering delivered a virtual technical talk titled Hydrogen Storage Technique: A New Perspective on August 28, 2021. The talk was organized by the School of Mechanical Engineering as the first edition of the Speak and Search Lecture Series of Academic Year 2021-22.

Starting with a brief introduction on Hydrogen Energy, he talked about the challenges faced by the automotive industries in developing the zero emission vehicles. He emphasized an adsorption storage tank will enable safe storage and transportation of hydrogen otherwise perceived as an unsafe gas. Hydrogen is eventually going to be the primary fuel in the future. His talk was enlightening for the researchers in the field of renewable energy and sustainable development.

Professor Bharat Chandra Routara, Dean, SME appreciated Dr. Sahu for his valuable talk and Dr. Sudesna Roy the coordinator of the ‘Speak and Search’ series moderated the engaging interaction session that followed the talk.

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