KIIT School of Public Health Organizes Alumni Meet 2021


KIIT School of Public Health organized an Alumni Meet on 12th August 2021. The meeting was inaugurated by Prof. Dr. Sudhir Kumar Satpathy, Director, School of Public Health, KIIT Deemed to be University with a silent prayer for the departed soul of Dr. C. Pradeep Reddy, an alumnus of 1st Batch of Master of Hospital Administration (MHA) Programme.

In his inaugural speech, Prof. Satpathy invited alumni to speak about their experiences and suggestions. Dr. Pratap Kumar Jena, Alumni Co-coordinator, organized the meeting with the help of the staff of the School.  Alumni from the 2017-19 batch till recently passed out (2019-21) batch were present along with all the faculty members and current students of the School.

The alumni suggested the course needs additional focus on developing communication skills, active use of social media for public health awareness, more field activity exposure for students, and student publications to equip them for the future job. During brief interaction of current students with their seniors, alumni shared their cherished moments at School of Public Health, KIIT-DU, and advised them to be active learners.

The Alumni meet ended with inspiring words of Prof. Satpathy that Alumni are in our hearts forever and wished all the best for a successful career in the future. Dr. Pratap, Alumni coordinator proposed the vote of thanks and thanked all for their participation in the alumni meeting.

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