Diarrhea Awareness & Preventive Strategy to Reduce Morbidity & Mortality – An IAP & UNICEF Initiative


Even in 21st century, Diarrhea stands as N. 3 killer in under five children next to Pneumonia and Perinatal causes in developing countries like India. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) pronounced by the UN (2015 to 2030) aims at no child death from preventable causes, but most of the child mortality from Diarrhoea can be salvaged if remedial preventive measures can strictly be adhered to by mother and other caregivers of a particular child. This was the main venture of Indian Academy of Paediatrics with its 32000 members and UNICEF, through the “Diarrhea Awareness & Prevention” Webinar. There were focused discussions on Rational Diarrhea Management by Recommended Protocols, how to increase the appropriate use of ORS, which alone saved 50% of deaths. In addition, there was plenary discussion on use of Zinc, Rational Antibiotics along with effective preventive measures and counselling for reduction or elimination of this preventive cause of child mortality.

Dr. Niranjan Mohanty, Professor, Paediatrics of KIMS was one of the panellists. He explained the Pathophysiology of Diarrhoea, correlating the morbidity and mortality risks at community levels. He was also entrusted to highlight the indications and problems of IV fluid at peripheral hospitals along with their injudicious uses. His explanations were highly appreciated by the viewers.

Preventive Strategy to Reduce Morbidity & Mortality
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