KIIT Faculty Edits Book on ‘Probiotic Beverages’ Published by Elsevier


Sandeep Kumar Panda, Assistant Professor, School of Biotechnology, KIIT Deemed to be University has edited a book titled ‘Probiotic Beverages’, published by Elsevier. The authors of the book are reputed scientists and professors from different countries such as India, South Africa, Bangladesh, Tanzania, China, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Greece, Iran, Belgium and France. Julie Kellershohn, Ted Rogers School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Ryerson University, Toronto and Inge Russell, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK are the co-editors.

‘Probiotic Beverages’ is an essential reference guide to traditional, emerging and unique probiotic beverage products throughout different regions of the world. The book includes in-depth knowledge by local authors on indigenous and commercially produced probiotic beverages and related products. Examining current advancements in probiotic beverages and consumer health relationships, with a focus on large-scale beverage technology, sections cover starter cultures, regulatory challenges, genetic engineering, quality and safety. From practical issues of developing probiotic beverages, to the marketing of these drinks to the consumer, the full product lifecycle of a probiotic beverage is discussed.

It also discusses the potential of probiotic beverages in preventing disease and covers controversial regulatory matters (labeling claims, GMO-free) and sustainability.

Prof. Panda holds an MSc in applied microbiology and a PhD in microbiology from Utkal University. He completed his postdoctoral studies as a Global Excellence Stature Fellow at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa. He is the recipient of the Young Scientist Awards by the Odisha Bigyan Academy (2018) and the Association of Microbiologists of India (2020). His main research focus is on the development of probiotic functional foods by fermentation.

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