Conference Papers (June 2021)


KIIT School of Applied Sciences

Sahu, G., Sahoo, B. P., and Tripathy, J. (2021),  Effect of Graphene Oxide and Temperature on Dielectric Relaxation Behavior of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol)-Based Nanocomposite, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Processing and Design (ICAMPD-2019), Bhubaneswar, India, Advances in Mechanical Processing and Design. Springer Singapore, 469–478, DOI:

Abstract: This paper explores effect of graphene oxide (GO) loading and temperature on dielectric characteristics of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and GO-based conductive nanocomposites films fabricated using solution casting technique. Variation of GO loading and temperature influenced permittivity (εʹ), real and imaginary impedance (Zʹ and Zʹʹ) as well as AC conductivity (σac) of PVA/GO nanocomposite films. These properties were studied in the frequency range of (1–106 Hz) and temperature (25–150 °C). It was observed that εʹ and σac increased while the impedance decreased with an increase in GO loading and temperature.

KIIT School of Computer Engineering

1. Patra S. S., Gourisaria M. K.,  Harshvardhan G. M.,and Prusty S. R., Minimizing Energy and Cost Through VM Placement Using Meta-Heuristic Algorithm in Cloud Data Center,In – 1st International Conference on Machine Learning, Internet of Things and Big Data (ICMIB), Sarang, India, Pages 509-521, 2020, DOI :

Abstract: The data centers which promise their clients to deliver services contain a large number of computational nodes which are responsible for consuming a large amount of energy. Through VM consolidation, the number of physical machines (PM) in the data centers is minimized and so the energy consumption. In this paper, we proposed a mathematical model to reduce the power consumption as well as active VMs and then used meta-heuristic algorithm which uses GA for generating an optimized solution. Our proposed model is compared with first fit, first fit decreasing and permutation pack algorithms and found outperforming.

2. Sarangi P. P., and Panda M., Combining Human Ear and Profile Face Biometrics for Identity Recognition, In:Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, First International Conference on Security and Privacy (ICSP 2020), Jamshedpur, India, pages 13-24, 2021.

Abstract: In this paper, we propose an improved multimodal ear andprofile face biometrics for personal identification. In this framework, feature vectors for both the images are separately extractedusing Gabor wavelets to minimize the effect of image degradation. Here,kernel canonical correlation analysis (KCCA) is exploited for featurelevel fusion over canonical correlation analysis (CCA) that outperformsto generatediscriminant feature vector. Experimental results show thatKCCA based fusion improves both identification and verification performance over CCA and yielding promising results compared to otherexisting unimodal and multimodal biometrics.

3. Panigrahi S. K., Barik R.K., Behera S., Barik L., and Patra S.S., Performability Analysis of FogGIS Model for Geospatial Web Services, In: 2021 11th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence), pages 239-243, 2021.

Abstract: The Internet of Spatial Things (IoST), continuously generates a large volume of geospatial data from a large number of connected smart devices. Fog computing-based GIS model i.e. FogGIS is assisting to the cloud for invoking various geospatial web services. When all the Virtual Machines (VMs) are congested (busy), the arrived tasks are queued in the fog buffer until the fog servers becomes available to process the service. In this paper, it experiments the performance of the fog layer based on the task arrival and the buffer size of the system using M/M/c/N Queuing theory.

4. Mohanty A., Samantaray S., Patra S. S., Mahmoud A. I., and Barik R. K., An Efficient Resource Management Scheme for Smart Grid Using GBO Algorithm, In 2021 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI), IEEE, pages 593-598),2021.

Abstract: The smart grid (SG) plays a vital role in the current energy infrastructure and reinforces the reliability, sustainability, efficiency, as well as economics of electricity services. Fog computing in conjunction with cloud computing facilitates energy-saving, cost-saving, flexibility, scalability, and agility. A major issue is the management of resources in SGs. This paper proposed a fog-aided-cloud-based model is proposed for managing the resources in SGs. Simulation results reveal that GBO which is a newly developed meta-heuristic optimization algorithm outperforms the others.

5. Patro R., Patra S. S., Barik L., Prusty A. D.,and Barik R. K., Module Placement Scheme Using MPC4. 5 with Markov Chain Process for Mobile Fog Computing Environment, In 2021 International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS), IEEE, pages 304-309, 2021.

Abstract: Mobile Fog computing (MFC) is an elongation to cloud computing in which the processing is performed near the IoT devices. It reduces latency and energy consumption in the system and the idle choice for healthcare applications, smart cities, etc. In MFC, the mobile devices (MDs) select the best fog device (FD) and offload FDs’ task. The submitted applications to the system are divided into modules, and the best FD has been selected for the module using the Module Placement C4.5 (MPC45) algorithm.

6. Mukherjee P., Patra S. S., Pradhan C., and Barik R. K., HHO Algorithm for Cloud Service Provider Selection,In 2020 IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE), IEEE, pages 324-327,2020.

Abstract: To handle data storage and rapid growth of social media, IoT, wireless communication and digitization, cloud computing is an evolving paradigm. Since many providers are enabling such services to their customers, selecting the best one is a multi-criteria selection problem and needs to be carried out. This paper proposes a mathematical model for constrained multi-criteria federated cloud provider selection. The HHO meta-heuristics algorithm is discussed and compared with TLBO and Jaya.

7.Chatterjee P. S., Systematic Survey on SSDF Attack and Detection Mechanism in Cognitive Wireless Sensor Network, In : The International Conference for Intelligent Technologies, Hubballi, Kartakata, India, IEEE, 2021.

Abstract: Cognitive Wireless Sensor Network (CWSN) uses the spectrum wisely in comparison to a traditional Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The technique which enables Cognitive Wireless Sensor Network in this regard is known as Opportunistic Spectrum Sensing (OSS) for date a transfer. The OSS process significantly reduces the collisions and the delays for data delivery in a network. Several security threats are possible in this process. The Denial of Service (DoS) attack makes the network unavailable to other users. One of the most serious DoS attacks on the OSS process is the Spectrum Sensing Data Falsification (SSDF) attack…

8 Parida R. N. R., Singh B. K., and Pradhan C., A Novel Approach for Image Encryption using Zaslavskii Map and Arnold’s Cat Map, In: Springer International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication (ICICC), Bangalore, India, pages 269-282, 2021.

Abstract: Here, we proposed a new cryptography technique for image encryption which is a combination of Zaslavskii map and Arnold’s cat map for image encryption to increase the security of the data. We first encrypt the image using Zaslavskii method, and then again, that encrypted image re-encrypted using Arnold’s cat map to re-encrypt that, to get the required image using two times encryption. This technique gives users more key values for better security and unpredictability, which shows good entropy value and good correlation value. The efficiency of image encryption techniques is verified by NPCR and UACI and correlation coefficient values.

9. Mukherjee P., Barik R. K., and Pradhan C., eChain: Leveraging Toward Blockchain Technology for Smart Energy Utilization, In: Springer International Conference on Advances in Systems, Control and Computing (AISCC), Jaipur, India, pages 73-81, 2021.

Abstract: Digital advances have revolutionized the most prosaic and everyday aspects of our existence. Technology has been transforming societies by enhancing connectivity, easing financial transactions and promoting trade and public services. However, technology may also threaten privacy, abrade security and pave way to inequality in our daily lives. To eradicate this intimidation to security and privacy, blockchain has been extensively used to pave way for trusted communications.

10. Mukherjee P., Patra S. S., Pradhan C., and Barik R. K., HHO Algorithm for Cloud Service Provider Selection, In: IEEE International Women in Engineering Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE), Bhubaneswar, India, pages 324-327, 2021.

Abstract: This paper proposes a mathematical model for constrained multi-criteria federated cloud provider selection. The HHO meta-heuristics algorithm is discussed and compared with TLBO and Jaya. For the comparison, robust design method of Taguchi’s was used for selecting the algorithm parameters, feasible solution is rendered by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), a widely used technique for solving the problem of cloud provider selection in a federated cloud. Results show that HHO, TLBO Algorithm, Jaya improved the AHP solution by 68.8%, 61.43%, and 62.02%, respectively.

11. Mukherjee P., Barik R. K., and Pradhan, C., Agrochain: Ascending Blockchain technology Towards Smart Agriculture, In: Springer International Conference on Emerging Trends and Advances in Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energy (ETAEERE), Bhubaneswar, India, pages 53-60, 2021.

Abstract: Smart agriculture revolutionizes the crop sector by reorienting the system to ensure food security, agriculture production and income using diverse technology such as IoT, Bigdata, ML and AI. The security and privacy of this information while attained, analyzed and stored is of major concern. The fundamental characteristics of a blockchain make them the most lucrative platform to store valuable data essential for smooth functioning of smart agriculture while safeguarding it. This paper first studies the nitty-gritty of smart agriculture and then establishes how blockchain contributes toward its effective implementation.

12.Singh J. P., and Pradhan C., A Semi-automated Smart Image Processing Technique for Rice Grain Quality Analysis, In: Springer International Conference on Emerging Trends and Advances in Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energy (ETAEERE), Bhubaneswar, India, pages 121-132, 2021.

Abstract: This paper solves the prior problem of quality assessment using the reliable method of image processing. This technique allows us to get an idea of the dimensions of the rice grains and accordingly grade them. Previously, there have been numerous researches in the field of rice grain quality assessment taking chalky, the opaque white part of the grain into consideration. It is one of the most important characteristics while analyzing and grading the rice grain. This paper calculates the dimensions, classifies the grains into different quality grades and checks for chalkiness.

13. Sarkar A., Kumar A., Sarkar S., and Pradhan C., Detection and Evaluation of Chronic Kidney Disease using Different Regression and Classification Algorithms in Machine Learning, In: Springer International Conference on Emerging Trends and Advances in Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energy (ETAEERE), Bhubaneswar, India, pages 97-106, 2021.

Abstract: Detection and identification of chronic kidney disease are costly, time-consuming, and often risky. Therefore, the early detection of such disease is very important. In this research study, we have tried to reduce the clinical effort by automating the process of detection. We have classified whether the person is suffering from chronic kidney disease or not. We have used different classification algorithms and regression algorithms like KNN, SVM, Naive Bayes, and logistic regression. We have got some good results in all the algorithms but KNN performed very well.

14..PattnayakP.,and Jena O. P., Green IoT based Technology for Sustainable Smart Cities, In:International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication (ICICC-2021), New Delhi, India, pages 1-5, 2021.

Abstract: Environmental sustainability is a widely discussed subject around the world. This paper discusses the much important role of Internet of Things (IoT) as an integral part of ICT infrastructure for sustainable smart cities.This paper proposes the design of a G-IoT configuration that clearly focuses on the reduction of the energy consumption and more particularly limiting the energy usage to achieve the objective of sustainable green smart cities. We have shown that our proposed G-IoT configuration that completely depends on cloud-based system ultimately reduces the hardware consumption.

KIIT School of Electronics Engineering

1. Nayak, D., Ray K. B., and Kar, T. (2021) A Comparative Analysis of BTC Variants, In:Sabut, S.K., Ray, A.K., Pati, B., Acharya, U.R. (Eds.)  Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Circuits, and Systems. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,Vol 728, pp. (163-170) Springer, Singapore.

Abstract: The goal of image compression is to reduce the amount of information required to represent a digital image necessary for efficient storage and transmission with less cost and time and at comparatively lower bandwidth. The block truncation coding method of image compression method is the simplest among all. In this paper, we have presented a comparative study of five popular BTC variants, namely, traditional BTC, AMBTC, two-parameter training method  edge-based BTC, and multi grouping BTC, in terms of objectives measures, such as PSNR, SSIM, FSIM, and CR between original and reconstructed images, as well as subjective measures through visible artifacts. 

2. Kumari, S., Akanksha K., Pahadsingh, S., Swati, and Singh, S.  2021), Drowsiness and Yawn Detection System Using Python, inIn:Sabut, S.K., Ray, A.K., Pati, B., Acharya, U.R. (Eds.) Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Circuits, and Systems, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering , Vol. 728, Springer, Singapore pp. 225–232,,

Abstract: Nowadays, the number of road accidents is increasing day by day. One of the major reasons behind this rising trend is the driver feeling drowsy or being drunk while driving. Therefore, by detecting the drowsiness, the number of fatigue-related vehicle accidents can be minimized. The key objective is to design a prototype of drowsiness and yawn detection system using Python and Dlib model. It is a real-time system to detect the drowsiness among car drivers by capturing image continuously and warning the drivers whenever they feel sleepy. The innovation of the present work is established on blinking of eyes and yawn frequency.

3. Shruti and Pahadsingh, S., (2021) Multiband Ultrathin Terahertz Metamaterial Absorber for Sensing Application, In:Sabut, S.K., Ray, A.K., Pati, B., Acharya, U.R. (Eds.)  Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Circuits, and Systems, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Vol., 728, pp. 525-532  Springer, Singapore,

Abstract: A multiband ultrathin metamaterial absorber, namely extended cross pattern with different dimensions and geometrical configurations, is proposed in this paper. The perfect absorption rate of extended cross-shaped absorber was found to be 97.25%, 99.27%, 99.68% and 98.76% at 2.128 THz, 6.088 THz, 9.17 THz and 10.8 THz, respectively. This is suitable for sensing with multiband operation. The proposed ultrathin absorber is 1/51-th times of the wavelength of the lowest frequency. The impedance of the proposed absorber is calculated and matched to free space impedance in these absorption regions based on impedance matching theory.