KIIT School of Architecture Planning Ranked 4th by GHRDC


School of Architecture & Planning, KIIT Deemed to be University has been ranked 4th nationally by Global Human Resource Development Centre (GHRDC), New Delhi. GHRDC is a research-based organization involved in the rating and ranking of B-Schools, Engineering and Hotel Management Colleges in India since 1997.

KIIT School of Architecture and Planning is rich in diversity, creativity, and scholarship. With a mission to educate future designers to shape collaborations, synthesize complexity and catalyze transformation for the public good, and foster research in all scales of the built environment – local, regional, national and international – the School offers full-time courses in architecture at the undergraduate level. Being a young school, KIIT School of Architecture & Planning has been appreciated by students and parents across the country. At present, the School is offering a five-year degree course in Architecture. There is a proposal to start the Master Degree Programme in Urban Planning in the coming years.

Dr. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT & KISS congratulated Prof. S. S. Ray, Director, KIIT School of Architecture & Planning for this success. He also appreciated the faculty, staff and students of KSAP for their dedication and passion to strive towards excellence.

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