OPEN MIC on “Role of Women Empowerment to achieve Gender Equality” to commemorate 75 years of UN


“To empower a nation, you must empower its women”

As a part of the week-long campaign to celebrate 75 years of the United Nations, KIIT, KISS and KSAC conducted an Open MIC Session on the theme, ‘Role of Women Empowerment to Achieve Gender Equality’. This theme addressed the Goal 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals. KIIT and KISS have been relentlessly working on building an inclusive society. The session started with Subham Raj briefing about KIIT, KISS and the UN. He emphasized on the role played by the UN in women empowerment and gender equality.

Some of the sub-themes of the open MIC session were: ‘Ensure girls have the same right to education as boys thus giving them the power to make informed choices and decisions’; ‘Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women’; ‘Ensuring women’s full and effective participation and opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision making in political, economic and public life’; and ‘Eliminate all forms of Violence against women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other type of exploitation’. Students enthusiastically participated in the session.

Dr. Shyam Sundar Behura, Deputy Director, Student Services, KIIT Student Activity Centre in his concluding remarks said, “The issue is multifactorial and needs to be addressed at different levels simultaneously. The inequality results in unequal opportunities and girls remain in the disadvantaged position. It is important to value girls by focused investment and empowering them with education, health and hygiene, skills, nutrition, information, technology. It is essential to note that everything should start at home and every stakeholder of this society should work towards achieving a balance between both genders.”

This open mic session is available on Facebook: @kiitofficial

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