Webinar on Career Development organized by KIIT ICE Student Chapter, SCE


A Webinar Session on Career Development was organized by School of Civil Engineering, KIIT Deemed to be University under Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) Student Chapter on 9th May, 2020 under the guidance of Prof. B. G. Mohapatra, FIC, KIIT ICE Student Chapter.

The Webinar online session was hosted by Mr. Patrick Courtney, ICE International Membership Recruitment Manager, London in the presence of core KIIT ICE Student chapter members as Yash Raj, Subhamsish Sahoo, Utkarsh Tiwari, Shivanshi Trivedi, Harshit Kishlay, Ankit Singh and the President, Purnajit Bhowmik along with more than 50 nos. of ICE Members of School. Renowned members from various Industries such as Mr. Parthajit Patra (Independent Consultant in Kolkata); Mr. Kaushik Gangopadhyay(Civil Engineer in WSP, Noida); Mr. Anirudha Bose(Civil Engineer in Amec Foster Wheeler, Kolkata); Mr. Srirup Mitra(Civil Engineer in AECOM,Kolkata); Mr. Partha Roy(Civil Engineer in JACOBS, Kolkata); and Mr. Ayanangshu Dey(Independent Consultant in Kolkata) also joined the webinar as panel members.

Mr. Patrick welcomed the members and dignitaries and introduced the KIIT ICE student chapter to each and every esteemed personality present in the webinar. He discussed the opportunity about the different aspects of being an ICE member and how ICE is working relentlessly in providing its student members every possible opportunity to excel worldwide. The event focused on the Doubts and queries of the Student Members about their Career Development and the dynamics of being a Civil Engineer.

The several topics included Queries about placement and internship issues that the Students are facing due to the ongoing scenario of Covid-19, alternatives that India should focus upon for beneficial ways of working, discussion on maintaining a balance between uplifting the economy and containing the spread of the virus. It also included several technical queries such as “What exactly is Design Risk Management, Digital Twinfrastructure and How to sort out the problems of Waste Management in the coming future”. The self-aware and keen student members also asked the panel on how to make the rural people understand the seriousness of not building their homes and other structures according to the Guidelines authorized by the Government for their Residential Areas.

The Panel took turns in answering the questions raised and suitable solutions were provided professionally. Mr. Dey also shared his experience on being in the recruitment panel of several interviews to make the student members understand about how exactly the MNCs like JACOBS, AECOM take leadership to choose candidates in the selection process. Mr. Patra suggested not taking this vacant time as a recess period and that everyone should rather be focusing upon building their skills to make their Future ready.

KIThe student members were very much enlightened by the knowledge shared by the panel members and expressed their heartfelt gratitude to panel members. The Event was concluded by The Host, Mr. Patrick thanking each and every one for participating and to the Panel for their fruitful suggestions in this Webinar.

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