Achievements of Department of Medicine in National Conference(APICON 2020, Agra)


The Department of Medicine, KIMS, Bhubaneswar, headed by Prof. S.S. Panda has brought laurels to KIMS. The Dept. of Medicine, KIMS made its presence felt in the 75th Platinum Jubilee of Annual Conference of the Association of Physicians of India (APICON 2020) at Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India with 9 free paper and 2 poster presentations by postgraduate residents. APICON is among the biggest conferences of medical fraternity in India. It was held at Agra from  6th to 9th Jan  2020, which was attended by more than 8,500 registered delegates and 850 faculties of national and international repute. There were more than 800 academic sessions spread over 4 days in 9 different halls simultaneously.

Brig. Dr. Ambika Mohanty, VSM, Professor in Medicine and former HOD, Department of Medicine and Medical Superintendant of KIMS & PBM Hospital delivered a lecture on “Pitfalls in Blood Pressure Measurement” on the first day of  the conference in CME – APICON 2020 (6th  January, 2020). He delivered another lecture on 8th January, 2020 on “Acute Chronic Liver Failure” in the main scientific meeting on 8th  January, 2020. These articles are published in Progress in Medicine 2020 edited by Dr. A. K. Banerjee and Medicine Updates 2020 (Vol. I) edited by Dr. S. Arulrhaj.

Besides these, he guided three PG Residents who all had platform presentations in the main scientific meetings like i) Dr Pawan Sharma presented “A case of Tuberculosis of Liver- a rare disease” ii) Dr. Akshay Saxena who presented “A case series of Meningoencephalitis in Scrub Typhus”  and  iii) Dr. Y. Venkatesh who presented “A case report of sickle cell disease with cirrhosis of liver” a rare association.

Prof. Shubhransu Patro was awarded with the prestigious Fellowship of Indian College of Physicians (FICP) in an elaborate ceremony held at APICON-2020,Agra. He has authored a chapter titled “Approach to a case Fever of Unknown Origin: What’s new in 2020” in the Medicine Update 2020 and  presented it in an academic session at the same venue. He was also invited as a judge for a session of  oral  free paper presentation.

Under the guidance of Prof. Shubhransu Patro and Dr. Preetam Nath,  Dr. Sidharth Arora, a 2nd Year postgraduate resident presented a free paper and won the award for best free paper presentation .

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