Lamp Lighting and Oath Taking Ceremony – 2019


Kalinga Institute of Nursing Sciences, KIIT Deemed to be University celebrated the “Lamp lighting and oath taking ceremony” of B. Sc.(N) 1st year & GNM 1st year students on 20th June, 2019 at KIMS Auditorium. Lamp lighting ceremony is an auspicious occasion in every nurse’s life, with reverence to Miss Florence Nightingale “The lady with Lamp” the founder of modern nursing.

The formal meeting was started at 5.00PM with lighting of the lamp by esteemed dignitaries- Maj. Gen. Dr. P.K. Pattanaik, Principal & Director, KIMS, School of Medicine, KIIT Deemed to be University; Dr. Bishnuprasad Panigrahi,MD, CEO, PBMH ,KIMS; Prof. (Dr.) S.C. Dash , Professor emeritus, KIMS; Mr. P. Parida, Management Representative,  KIMS; Prof. (Mrs.) Amarita Lenka, Principal, College of Nursing, KINS; Prof. Pramoda Kumari Nayak, Principal, School of Nursing , KINS and Col. Mrs. Susamma Sahu, NS, PBMH, KIMS,

Welcome address was given by Prof.(Mrs.) Amarita Lenka. She welcomed all the dignitaries and shared briefly about the contribution of Miss Florence Nightingale. She congratulated the new comers and wished them good luck for their future. Maj. Gen. (Dr.) P.K. Pattanaik emphasized on three aspects and advised students, to keep a smile on the face, equip with updated knowledge and feel pride in their profession. Dr. Bishnu Prasad Panigrahi addressed the gathering and hailed nursing as a noble profession, also he emphasized the value of smile for patient care. Prof. (Dr.) S.C. Dash focused on advance technology and upgradation of current skills for better health services. Mr. P. Parida welcomed the new comers and congratulated for choosing the noble profession.

The annual magazine of KINS “KARA” was released by all the dignitaries.  The students lighted the lamps and took oath, the oath was given by Col. (Mrs.) Susamma Sahu. She highlighted, the essence of nursing profession and to maintain professional standard. Prize was distributed by all dignitaries. Mrs. Minati Das, Assistant Professor of MSN Dept. was awarded as best faculty for the year 2018-19. The best academic award was bagged by Anindita Mandal, M.Sc. (N) 2nd year, Ria Samanta, B.Sc.(N) 4th year, Dilleswari Bisoi, 3rd year GNM. The programme came to an end with vote of thanks given by Prof. Pramoda Kumari Nayak.

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