KIIT Confers Honoris Causa upon Prof. Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya


The coveted Degree of Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) was conferred  on Prof. Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya, Kt, CBE, FREng, FRS, Regius Professor of Manufacturing, Chairman and Founder of WMG at the University of Warwick by KIIT Deemed University at a Special Convocation held on  10th September, 2018  in Auditorium, Campus-6.

In his acceptance speech, Prof. Bhattacharyya said, “I am delighted to be here. I am humbled by Honorary Degree that the University bestowed on me. I learnt of Dr. Samanta’s achievements in my subsequent visits to Odisha. He is in the first rank of education leaders, innovators and philanthropists. I wanted to hear his story in person. I was pleased to welcome him to WMG during his visit to UK.”

Actually the man who has broken the barrier in the domain of education is none other than Dr. Achyuta Samanta. His contribution towards  education, alleviation of rural poverty and tribal empowerment is truly remarkable,  he added.

He elaborated that you always need to be passionate when you have a big deal in sight. When the populace is so great, then the education offers the individuals opportunity to choose their freedom to grow. Education also offers opportunity to the community to move forward and the choice to learn.

The future of education revolves around vocational and skill development education instead of academic education. Though we are developing a new generation of products, however until and unless we have a big data for a purpose it will become only a theoretical  exercise. Besides, we are often lacking application of huge amount of knowledge, elucidated  Prof.Bhattacharyya.

Presenting the welcome speech, Prof. Hrushikesha Mohanty, Vice Chancellor, KIIT-DU briefly presented the profile of Prof. Bhattacharyya as an archetype of academic leadership and WMG as the hallmark of engineering excellence. He also elaborated the uniqueness of KIIT Deemed to be University and how KIIT has been carrying on a noble act in bringing the latent talents from the students community.

Prof. Sasmita Samanta, Registrar KIIT DU, recited the citation of  Degree of Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) to Prof. Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya. Proposing Vote of Thanks,  The Pro-Chancellor of KIIT DU Prof.(Dr.) Subrata Acharya hailedProf. Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya as an epitome of knowledge. Praising  the inspirational address of Prof. Bhattacharya,  the Pro-Chancellor advised the students to follow his footsteps.

Apart from conferment of Degree of Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) to Prof. Bhattacharyya, Certificates of Degree  and Master’s Degree were conferred to Indian and Foreign students on successful completion of their respective academic career.

Among the Dignitaries, Prof. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT and KISS; Madam Bridget Bhattacharyya; Prof. Harekrushna Satapathy; VC, KISS DU along with Students, Faculty Members, Heads of the Schools and all esteemed members of Academic Council and Board of Management of KIIT Deemed to be University were present on the occasion.

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