KIIT Students Organizes “NO PLASTIC” Campaign


The students of KIIT Deemed to be University organized a “NO PLASTIC” Campaign with the tag line “SAY NO TO PLASTIC” along KIIT Road on 11th November, 2018.

The objective of the campaign was to aware people and vendors regarding the drawbacks of using plastic. Moreover, another initiative of the campaign was to appreciate those vendors who are already using alternatives to plastic in forms of cloth and paper bags.

In this campaign a cloth banner was used. Paper Posters of Appreciation from KIIT was pasted in front of every shop who have stopped using plastics and also the students thanked all the shop owners along KIIT Road for their NO PLASTIC INITIATIVE. Around 300 Balloons scripted with  “NO PLASTIC USE’ message were distributed  to public.

In all 200 students participated in the Campaign. The campaign was started in the presence of  Prof. Hrushikesh Mohanty, Vice Chancellor, KIIT Deemed to be University; Dr. Shyam Sundar Behura, Deputy Director, Student Services and Ms. Pooja Mishra, Convener, Art of Giving & Kanya Kiran.

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