Art of Giving & Christmas Eve Celebration by Staff Members of KSAC at Deaf School (SMM Sishu Vidyalaya)


The staff members of KIIT Student Activity Centre (KSAC) catered to the two most important ingredients of the KIIT & KISS Founder Dr. Achyuta Samanta’s Art of Giving, that is Love and Happiness by spreading it among the 120 deaf children at Shriharsha Mishra Sishu Vidyalaya, a deaf school at Bhubaneswar on 24th December, 2018.

This was done by celebrating Christmas Eve with those children who have never ever celebrated it. It started with a small pictorial presentation on Christmas and Art of Giving by Dr. Shyam Sundar Behura, Deputy Director, Student Services and the message was passed on to the children by their teacher in their sign language.

Then gifts and snacks were distributed among the children by the staff members of KSAC, Sushanta Patra, Abantika Pattanayak, Mrutunjaya Panda, Jayalaxmi Mishra, Roshan Thakur, Annirudha Roy and Pooja Mishra. All the staff played the role of Santa with the Cap on and played with the kids. Some fruitful time was spent with the children and it was concluded by offering thankfulness the school and it’s teachers for giving an opportunity to spread love and happiness.

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